data policy
This policy was last updated on 4 June 2022.

This website is run by Diarmid Mackenzie, who can be contacted through the discord server

At this time, no data is collected about usage of the website.

In future we do intend collect (in a privacy-preserving manner) anonymous data about how the website is being used, such as:
  • Navigation between pages
  • Which needs are selected as relevant to a decision
  • The scores awarded to individual needs, and how these relate to final decisions taken
The motivation for collecting this data is to improve the quality of support for decision-making that this website can provide.

When we make these changes, this data policy will be updated to reflect exactly what data we collect and what we do with that data.

We will never collect data concerning individual users' identities, their descriptions of the decisions that they are taking, or the options that they are choosing between.